Sunday, September 13, 2009


I am in the beautiful country of Zambia!

It is a lot of fun and I am excited to share this experience with 15 other students who love the Lord and are just as excited as me for this opportunity.

The first couple days of orientation and first day here has been an information overload for sure, however information we all need to know and be aware of. I found out when we got here that we were not allowed to wear tanktops, which is unfortunate, as that is a major part of my wardrobe.

I miss my family and Brian so much already, but I know distance makes the heart grow fonder:)

Love to all of you!



Unknown said...

Love you, Estie Boznez

Anonymous said...

Whoo, Estie!!!!Way to submit to authority over the tank top issue. You'll be alright and have another story to tell :)